PhotoHastings Week 1 of 3
12 – 16 October
Presenting the work of 20 photographers and artists.
PhotoHastings 2022 is this year taking over both the main and landing galleries at ESPS for three weeks as part of its annual photo season, now in its 12th year. For details about this and all our exhibitions and events this season please see photohastings.org.
If normal was to be defined as a conformity of situation that neither exceeds nor lessens one’s expectation then, what is normal is what complies with our subjective sense of familiarity. The phrase back to normal was and still is a familiar expression repeatedly used during the recent and on-going pandemic, referring to a certain code of conducts, social interactions and a peculiar situation we are all part of. It assumes its meaning in a collective societal agreement of shared expectations. What may have been strange is now rendered accustomed to and a sense of returning.
Bringing together photographic, moving image and sculptural form this exhibition is an observation exploring the themes associated around the definition of normality as an ideal life, a provided standard, something safe, familiar, and comfortable.
Open 11-5pm Daily
PV Friday 14 October-6-8pm – All welcome
Artist Talks Sunday 16 October 2-4 pm
Image – Nicole Zaaroura