Opening Friday 2 August 6 – 9pm
Exhibition over two weekends 3 – 4 and 8 – 11 August, 11 – 4 pm
The sea, an enigmatic entity, holds a powerful allure despite its destructive potential. While we yearn for the tranquillity of its shores, we cannot ignore the despair lurking within its depths – habitat loss, pollution, and the relentless encroachment of waves. Each passing year, the ocean’s advance threatens to engulf our habitats, a grim reminder of our own contributions to this vicious cycle of destruction.
Miroslava Vecerova, Amy Leigh Bird, Ben Chernett, Howie Whale, Christopher Winter, Laura Hindmarsh, Nancy Odufona, Bethan Smith, Adam Burton, Lara Hailey, Jane Beecham, Joe Charrington, Laura Ribbons, Lucie Treacher, Daisy Chitty Williams, Elysia Byrd, Bethan Smith, Rincen Caravacci, Stephen Emmerson, Rowan Corkill